Friday, 7 November 2008

Chapter 4: The Mistake

The next night, our dynamic duo had no intention of climbing down 2 floors(he was now sleeping in Deepak's room) to disturb the Chitoorian again. They decided that it was time they changed the victims. That's where they went wrong.

"Let's try Swaroop. He'll be really scared." said Bhandaru.

"No. He knows that I climb walls and trees with ease." retorted Adam.

"Hey, why don't we try T Sundeep?"

We can recall that Thirumuru Sundeep is the smartest guy in the joint (Crap Weekly#1).


And then, that night, they started banging his door.

T Sundeep woke up with a start. He never believed in those ghost stories. He knew someone was there outside is window. He shouted, “THIEF! THIEF! THIEF! ”

The duo ran for their life! Bhandaru joined some people who were sleeping on the terrace, while Adam ran into a toilet in the first years' wings. But T Sundeep saw him running inside, though he didn't see who it was clearly.

By that time, a group of people, or shall we say, investigators were gathered. Siva Krishna is a character we should watch closely in this story.

"I saw him running inside that bathroom. Let's get him."

And our hero lies in perils, in the misgivings of his complicities.

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